Transforming Retirement Communities: Embrace...

In recent years, the integration of technology into everyday life has been profound, affecting all age groups and sectors. Retirement communities in Canada are no More Link

New Tech in Senior...

At Continyou Care, we are always excited to read about new up-and-coming technological advancements in healthcare and the senior industry. In this article, we want More Link

5 Summer Safety Tips...

As the warmer months are fast approaching, it’s important we all practice safe sun. Below are 5 safety tips for the seniors in your life.  More Link

15 winter safety tips...

There is little doubt that winter brings with it a lot of safety issues, particularly for seniors. At ContinYou Care, we have compiled 15 winter More Link

Technology To Help Prevent...

Technology To Help Prevent Falls After our recent visit to the fantastic ORCACON conference, it became very apparent just how important fall prevention solutions were More Link

Cannabis and Senior Homes

Cannabis and Senior Homes Surprisingly, in this study by the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, it was found that around 9% of adults in the More Link

Four Fun Fall Activities...

With fall just around the corner, the Continyou Care team wants to ensure that Canadian seniors make the most out of warm weather before winter More Link