
How To Keep Residents At A Senior Home Safe With Real-Time Resident Census

Posted on April 20, 2022 by Continyou Care

Continyou Care recently helped co-host a webinar round-table discussion with different senior home operators including Verve Senior Living, Delmanor & Jarlette Health Services, called “How To Shift To Digitally Streamlined Workflows To Improve Care In Senior Living”.

Bryan Simmons (from Verve Senior Living) mentioned that before Continyou Care, resident census used to be tracked with a paper-and-pen process on a piece of paper that was set up with a giant table with columns for “Lunch”, “Dinner” for each resident.  If they showed up, they were marked as present with a checkmark.  It made the process of doing this every day tedious, wasting paper and hard for different teams to coordinate to contribute to this census (between the front desk, dining team & nursing staff).  Additionally, if they wanted to go back historically to look at reports for the resident census on a particular day, they would need to find that piece of paper.  He found the problem with this was if you had new, or perhaps inexperienced, staff members or you were short-staffed, they would be doing their best to make sure they were checking off every person on the sheet that was coming in, but it was tricky, time-consuming, and error-prone. 

Continyou Care’s unique real-time resident feature was developed with a ton of feedback from the Verve Senior Living team to simplify the process of taking resident census including making it easy to access historical data if needed.  For example, if a resident ordered a meal in the dining room, they were automatically considered “present”.  If a resident called the front desk saying they weren’t coming down for lunch because they were out with family or nursing staff mentioned that a resident was sick (so they couldn’t join for a meal), it made it easier for teams to easily collaborate & contribute to the census. 

An important aspect of the resident census feature was its importance to resident safety.  Staff could easily go into the resident census to see who hadn’t shown up yet and take the appropriate staff to have that resident checked on via a phone call or visit their room to do a welfare check.  

You can listen to the full clip of Bryan Simmons talking about the importance of the Resident Census feature for his homes here: 

For more information about the Continyou Care solution and its versatile modules including Dining (which has the resident census feature), which is helping 70+ homes across Canada improve residents’ satisfaction, decrease staff turnover and improve the bottom line, connect with us to book an intro Discovery Call: https://continyoucare.combook-demo/ 

*Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko