3 Benefits Of Intergenerational Living At Retirement Homes
Intergenerational living, particularly within senior homes, has emerged recently as a transformative model of living for seniors and young people alike. By bringing together individuals from different age groups, these communities offer several benefits that enrich the lives of all involved. Intergenerational living is in the early stages of being adopted though, and there are many more opportunities for residences to consider this model. In this article, we look at some of the reasons why it can be beneficial for owners, seniors, and young people alike!
1. Meaningful Relationships
One of the advantages of intergenerational living in retirement homes is the fostering of meaningful relationships. Seniors often experience feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially when separated from their families or living alone. Introducing younger individuals, such as students, into these environments adds some much-needed companionship to the seniors’ lives. But it’s not just the seniors – many students or young people who are living away from home for the first time can experience loneliness, and this benefits the young people too!
Also, interactions between seniors and students can lead to genuine connections, with seniors often imparting wisdom gained from a lifetime of experience while students offer fresh perspectives and youthful energy. These relationships provide emotional support and help combat the sense of isolation often felt by seniors and young people, promoting well-being and good mental health for both groups.
2. Active Living
Intergenerational living promotes a sense of purpose and belonging among seniors and promotes an active lifestyle. By participating in activities with younger generations, such as arts and crafts, gardening, dance classes etc., seniors stay active both mentally and physically. This kind of living enhances self-esteem and improves overall quality of life, installing a renewed sense of vitality and fulfilment in the seniors’ lives.
3. Why miss this opportunity when vacancy rates are high?
COVID-19 left a lingering bad reputation for both long-term care homes, senior homes, and retirement homes, as they experienced higher than average outbreak rates and often had to shut down completely to visitors.
This has contributed to occupancy rates being low. With the Canadian rental market in general is suffering from the opposite – a low vacancy rate! So why leave good rooms in good residences empty? This is bad for the owner, potential residents, and those already living there. By opening the residence to intergenerational living, you bring the benefits above whilst helping people, such as students, find a place to live in a tough rental market. Also, by filling rooms, these residences become more sustainable, helping avoid cutbacks in other areas such as staffing.
Continyou Care
Continyou Care is a strategic investment in the future of your retirement home. Our solution helps improve efficiency, unlocks valuable insights through reporting, and increases overall resident & staff satisfaction. Contact us today for a demo and to find out how we can tailor the Continyou Care solution just for you, with only the features you need!